The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
Tuesday Mar 04, 2025
The Fika Crew talk about rusk bites and the AAC&U (American Association of Colleges and Universities) high-impact educational practices — learning experiences that have disproportionate long-term benefits for students. These high-touch, complex, longitudinal experiences are resource-intensive and challenging to implement in an already all-too-packed curriculum. Measuring their effectiveness is no easy task, and determining what "low-impact" classes and activities should be eliminated is harder still. We need the "Brock List of Low-Impact Practices" to help guide us!
Fika Beverage Snack Sharing: 0:00 - 3:40
Discussion about high-impact educational practices: 3:41
Kuh GD. High-Impact Educational Practices: What They Are, Who Has Access to Them, and Why They Matter. American Association of Colleges & Universities, 2008. ISBN: 978-0-9796181-4-7
Fink LD. Creating Significant Learning Experiences: An Integrated Approach to Designing College Courses, 2nd Edition. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2013.
White A. Understanding the University and Faculty Investment in Implementing High-Impact Educational Practices. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 2018; 18(2): 118–135.
Kilgo CA, Ezell Sheets JK & Pascarella ET. The link between high-impact practices and student learning: some longitudinal evidence. High Educ 2015; 69: 509–525.
Forrester CA, Lee DA, Hon E, et al. Preceptor perceptions of pharmacy student performance before and after a curriculum transformation. Am J Pharm Education 2023; 87 (2): 8575.
Lepp GA, Westberg SM, Lee J, Janke KK. Exploring the unanticipated value of an oral exam integrating content across courses. Curr Pharm Teach Learn 2025; 17 (5): 102302.
The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
The Co-Hosts are:
- Stuart T. Haines (Executive Producer), University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy – sthaines@olemiss.edu
- Tina Brock, University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - tina.brock@unimelb.edu.au
- Jeff Cain, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy - jeff.cain@uky.edu
- Kristin Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy - janke006@umn.edu
Disclaimer (inspired by Whad’Ya Know?): All opinions expressed on the Pharmacy Fika podcast are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to say, they are ours and our guests alone, and not those of our employing institutions.
Even though we don’t accept advertising and don’t have any sponsors, we seem to mention Trader Joe’s snacks and various water-based drinks a LOT.
Not sure what fika is all about? Watch this brief video: How a Swedish coffee break can boost your wellbeing and performance.
Got a great idea for a discussion topic? Drop us a line (pharmacyfika@gmail.com) or leave us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/PharmacyFika
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Co-production of Instruction: Engaging Learners and People with Lived Experience
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
Tuesday Feb 04, 2025
The Fika Crew talk with Sophie Soklaridis, PhD and Holly Harris, MA from the Centre for Addiction & Mental Health affiliated with the University of Toronto and the Collaborative Learning College about their work using "different knowledges" to co-produce instruction and a research agenda. How might pharmacy education co-produce instruction drawing upon the "different knowledges" of our students, the patients we service, and the stakeholders who are the benefactors of the work of pharmacists?
Fika Beverage Snack Sharing: 0:00 - 6:28
Discussion about co-production of instruction: 6:29
Whitney R, Shepherd G, Slade M. Recovery colleges as a mental health innovation. World Psych 2019; 18 (2): 141-142.
Harris H, Donner K, Rovet J, et al. The trials and triumphs of co-producing an evaluation plan: A principles-focused evaluation. Res Involv Engagem 2024; 10: 132.
Soklaridis S, Harris H, Shier R, et al. A balancing act: navigating the nuances of co-production in mental health research. Res Involv Engagem 2024; 10: 30.
Agrawal S, Capponi P, López J, Kidd S, Ringsted C, Wiljer D, & Soklaridis S. From surviving to advising: A novel course pairing mental health and addictions service users as advisors to senior psychiatry residents. Academic Psychiatry 2016; 40(3): 475–480.
Brooks CF, Lund S, Kryl D, Jones SL, Myall M. "We all see things through a different lens based on our life experiences": co-production of a web-based implementation toolkit with stakeholders across the health and social care system. Front Health Services 2024; 4: 1356961.
Elliot IC, Robson I, Dudau A, et al. Building student engagement through co-production and curriculum co-design in public administration programmes. Teach Pub Admin 2021; 39 (3): 318-336.
Stigma Unraveled Addiction Unmasked. A community of practice for health professionals co-produced with learners and people with lived experience.
The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
The Co-Hosts are:
- Stuart T. Haines (Executive Producer), University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy – sthaines@olemiss.edu
- Tina Brock, University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - tina.brock@unimelb.edu.au
- Jeff Cain, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy - jeff.cain@uky.edu
- Kristin Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy - janke006@umn.edu
Disclaimer (inspired by Whad’Ya Know?): All opinions expressed on the Pharmacy Fika podcast are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to say, they are ours and our guests alone, and not those of our employing institutions.
Even though we don’t accept advertising and don’t have any sponsors, we seem to mention Trader Joe’s snacks and various water-based drinks a LOT.
Not sure what fika is all about? Watch this brief video: How a Swedish coffee break can boost your wellbeing and performance.
Got a great idea for a discussion topic? Drop us a line (pharmacyfika@gmail.com) or leave us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/PharmacyFika
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
Tuesday Jan 07, 2025
The Fika Crew invited (and she accepted!) Naomi Steenhof, BScPhm, PhD from the Leslie Dan Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Toronto to talk about the nature of expertise. She explains how pharmacists (and all health professionals) can develop adaptive expertise before cognitive entrenchment sets in. Productive failure, meaningful variation, and asking more "why" questions (rather than focusing on "what" questions) can help learners develop their adaptive muscles.
Happy New Year! Looking forward to 2025 and lots of great topics in Season 4 of the Pharmacy Fika.
Fika Beverage Snack Sharing: 0:00 - 3:26
Discussion about Adaptive Expertise: 3:27
Hatano G and Inagaki K. Two courses of expertise. In Stevenson HW, Azuma H, and Hakuta K (Eds.), Child development and education in Japan (pp. 262–272). WH Freeman/Times Books/ Henry Holt & Co, 1986.
Steenhof N. Adaptive expertise in undergraduate pharmacy education. Pharmacy 2023; 11: 32. DOI: 10.3390/pharmacy1101032
Mylopoulos M, Steenhof N, Kaushal A, and Woods NN. Twelve tips for designing curricula that support the development of adaptive expertise. Medical Teacher 2018; 40(8): 850-854, DOI: 10.1080/0142159X.2018.1484082
Steenhof N, Woods NN, Van Gerven PWM, and Mylopoulos M. Productive failure as an instructional approach to promote future learning. Advances in Health Sciences Education 2019; 24: 739-749. DOI: 10.1007/s10459-019-09895-4
Schwartz DL. Achieving an adaptive learner. Educational Psychologist 2024; 1-16. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/00461520.2024.2397389
The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
The Co-Hosts are:
- Stuart T. Haines (Executive Producer), University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy – sthaines@olemiss.edu
- Tina Brock, University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - tina.brock@unimelb.edu.au
- Jeff Cain, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy - jeff.cain@uky.edu
- Kristin Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy - janke006@umn.edu
Disclaimer (inspired by Whad’Ya Know?): All opinions expressed on the Pharmacy Fika podcast are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to say, they are ours and our guests alone, and not those of our employing institutions.
Even though we don’t accept advertising and don’t have any sponsors, we seem to mention Trader Joe’s snacks and various water-based drinks a LOT.
Not sure what fika is all about? Watch this brief video: How a Swedish coffee break can boost your wellbeing and performance.
Got a great idea for a discussion topic? Drop us a line (pharmacyfika@gmail.com) or leave us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/PharmacyFika
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
Tuesday Dec 03, 2024
The Fika Crew talks about the science of learning. Neuroscience has uncovered a few evidence-based learning strategies that improve retention and skill acquisition. These simple strategies can be used alone or coupled together to create powerful learning experiences:
- Spaced Repetition / Distributed Learning
- Retrieval Practice
- Interleaving
- Elaboration
- Deliberate Practice with Feedback
- Sleep
Sumeracki MA, Weinstein Y. Six strategies for effective learning. Acad Med 2018; 94 (4): 666.
Van Hoof TJ, Madan CR, Sumeracki MA. Science of Learning Strategies Series. Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (JCEHP).
Distributed Practice. JCEHP 2021; 41(1): 59-62.
Retrieval Practice. JCEHP 2021; 41(2): 119-123.
Interleaving. JCEHP 2022; 42(4): 265-268.
Elaboration. JCEHP 2024; October 15, 2024
Incentivizing Sleep. JCEHP 2024; 44(4): 277-281.
Application to Educational Meetings. JCEHP 2024; 44 (4): 273-276.
Pleins D. Applying principles from neuroscience to foster learning—four strategies. The Scholarly Teacher. November 7, 2024.
Sketchy - educational tool for building visual stories and symbols. https://www.sketchy.com
The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
The Co-Hosts are:
- Stuart T. Haines (Executive Producer), University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy – sthaines@olemiss.edu
- Tina Brock, University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - tina.brock@unimelb.edu.au
- Jeff Cain, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy - jeff.cain@uky.edu
- Kristin Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy - janke006@umn.edu
Disclaimer (inspired by Whad’Ya Know?): All opinions expressed on the Pharmacy Fika podcast are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to say, they are ours and our guests alone, and not those of our employing institutions.
Even though we don’t accept advertising and don’t have any sponsors, we seem to mention Trader Joe’s snacks and various water-based drinks a LOT.
Not sure what fika is all about? Watch this brief video: How a Swedish coffee break can boost your wellbeing and performance.
Got a great idea for a discussion topic? Drop us a line (pharmacyfika@gmail.com) or leave us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/PharmacyFika
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
Tuesday Nov 05, 2024
The Pharmacy Fika Crew talks with Conan MacDougall, PharmD, MAS, BCPS, BCIDP from the University of California San Francisco about the best uses of artificial intelligence (AI) to support learning. There are lots of "cool tools" that can summarize content and generate ideas (efficiently and effortlessly), but the work of learning requires some degree of desirable difficulty. How do we find the right balance and use AI tools wisely?
Bastani H, Bastani O, Sungu A, et al. Generative AI Can Harm Learning. The Wharton School Research Paper, July 15, 2024.
Pardos ZA, Bhandari S. ChatGPT-generated help produces learning gains equivalent to human tutor-authored help on mathematics skills. PLOS One 2024. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0304013
Kestin G, Miller K, Klales A, et al. AI Tutoring Outperforms Active Learning. Nature Portfolio (Preprint, Under Review)
Mollick E. One Useful Thing. Substack (a subscription is free, but you can financially support this work!) and for the latest info, check out his X feed: https://twitter.com/emollick
Wharton Generative AI Labs (website). Lots of excellent resources and videos related to AI use for educational purposes ... regularly updated.
YouTube Video: How does ChatGPT work? Explained by Deep-Fake Ryan Gosling
YouTube Video: How RAG makes LLMs like ChatGPT more accurate and up-to-date. By Deep-Fake Chance The Rapper.
Google’s NotebookLM: https://notebooklm.google/
Coursera: Accelerate your Learning with ChatGPT by Jules White and Barbara Oakley.
Bowen JA, Watson CE. Teaching with AI. A Practical Guide to a New Era of Human Learning. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2024
2025 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) AI Institute: https://www.aacp.org/event/2025-artificial-intelligence-ai-pharmacy-education-institute
The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
The Co-Hosts are:
- Stuart T. Haines (Executive Producer), University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy – sthaines@olemiss.edu
- Tina Brock, University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - tina.brock@unimelb.edu.au
- Jeff Cain, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy - jeff.cain@uky.edu
- Kristin Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy - janke006@umn.edu
Disclaimer (inspired by Whad’Ya Know?): All opinions expressed on the Pharmacy Fika podcast are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to say, they are ours and our guests alone, and not those of our employing institutions.
Even though we don’t accept advertising and don’t have any sponsors, we seem to mention Trader Joe’s snacks and various water-based drinks a LOT.
Not sure what fika is all about? Watch this brief video: How a Swedish coffee break can boost your wellbeing and performance.
Got a great idea for a discussion topic? Drop us a line (pharmacyfika@gmail.com) or leave us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/PharmacyFika
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Educational Fads: They Have Sticky Appeal but Let's Not Be Dogmatic
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
Tuesday Oct 01, 2024
The PharmacyFika crew critically examines educational trends, how fads develop, and why they fade. In this episode, you'll discover: 1) Tina loves boiled peanuts but is circumspect about the nutritional value of fish sticks, 2) Jeff, the grittiest guy we know, is ironically skeptical about measuring and teaching grit, 3) Stuart thinks learning styles aren't something that should influence teaching approaches, and 4) Kristin finds general ability outcomes appealing but challenging to implement when the rubber meets the road.
Sun X, Norton O, Mamcekivell SE. Beware the myth: learning styles affect parents', childrens', and teachers' thinking about children's academic potential. NPJ Science of Learning 2023; 8: Article 46.
Credé M, Tynan, MC, & Harms PD. Much ado about grit: A meta-analytic synthesis of the grit literature. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. 2017; 113(3), 492–511.
Green TL, Hagiwara N. The Problem with Implicit Bias Training. Scientific American. August 28, 2020.
Lu A. Does diversity training work? Chronicle of Higher Education. Sept 9, 2024.
Lim A, Krishnan S, Singh H, et al. Linking assessment to real-life practice - comparing work-based assessments and objective structured clinical examinations using mystery shopping. Adv health Sci Educ Theory Pract 2024; 29(3): 859-878.
Cain J, Behal M, Richter LM. An Integrative Scoping Review of Behavioral Economics Applications in Higher Education: Opportunities for Academic Pharmacy. Am J Pharm Educ. 2024; 88(8):100732.
Woodbury R. Fads in Education: No magic bullets. Blog Essay. April 4, 2022.
Elder L, Paul R. A Critical Thinker's Guide to Educational Fads: How to Get Beyond Educational Glitz and Glitter. New York: Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.
Blount R Jr. Boiled Peanut Power. Pull over and grab a bag. They're good for you. Garden & Gun, April/May 2014. [Note from Tina B: The first paragraph is a must read for ALL; the rest is for the boiled peanut lovers like me]
The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
The Co-Hosts are:
- Stuart T. Haines (Executive Producer), University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy – sthaines@olemiss.edu
- Tina Brock, University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - tina.brock@unimelb.edu.au
- Jeff Cain, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy - jeff.cain@uky.edu
- Kristin Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy - janke006@umn.edu
Disclaimer (inspired by Whad’Ya Know?): All opinions expressed on the Pharmacy Fika podcast are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to say, they are ours and our guests alone, and not those of our employing institutions.
Even though we don’t accept advertising and don’t have any sponsors, we seem to mention Trader Joe’s snacks and various water-based drinks a LOT.
Not sure what fika is all about? Watch this brief video: How a Swedish coffee break can boost your wellbeing and performance.
Got a great idea for a discussion topic? Drop us a line (pharmacyfika@gmail.com) or leave us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/PharmacyFika
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
Tuesday Sep 03, 2024
The Fika Crew share their pharmacy educator meeting experiences at the Monash Pharmacy Education Symposium in Prato, Italy, and the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting in Boston, MA. Kristin shares her travel misadventures, Tina wants to turn the "dark caves" of convention centers into "delightful" learning spaces, Jeff is positively effusive about the Aspiring Academics graduates, and Stuart can't tell the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. It's all there ... in a single epidose ... plus the AACP Argus Forecast and more.
Allen DD, Lin AYF, Haines ST, Sorensen TD, Melchert RB, Blouin RA, Austin Z, Moore GD, Poloyac SM, Vermeulen LC. AACP Argus Commission Forecast 2024. Am J Pharm Ed 2024.
McGrath R. Seeing Around Corners: How to Spot Inflection Points in Business Before They Happen. New York; Harper Business Press, 2019.
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The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
The Co-Hosts are:
- Stuart T. Haines (Executive Producer), University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy – sthaines@olemiss.edu
- Tina Brock, University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - tina.brock@unimleb.edu.au
- Jeff Cain, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy - jeff.cain@uky.edu
- Kristin Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy - janke006@umn.edu
Disclaimer (inspired by Whad’Ya Know?): All opinions expressed on the Pharmacy Fika podcast are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to say, they are ours and our guests alone, and not those of our employing institutions.
Even though we don’t accept advertising and don’t have any sponsors, we seem to mention Trader Joe’s snacks and various water-based drinks a LOT.
Not sure what fika is all about? Watch this brief video: How a Swedish coffee break can boost your wellbeing and performance.
Got a great idea for a discussion topic? Drop us a line (pharmacyfika@gmail.com) or leave us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/PharmacyFika
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
The Work of Critical Reflection: Using Four Lens
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Tuesday Aug 06, 2024
Critical reflection is an important part of our work as teachers. Kristin, Jeff, and Stuart discuss the four lenses through which teaching practices can be examined: the personal lens, the student lens, the colleague lens, and the theoretical lens. Sadly, Tina had technical difficulties and couldn't join us for this discussion. But don't feel too badly about her plight — she was in Prado, Italy.
Ash SL & Clayton PH. Generating, deepening, and documenting learning: The power of critical reflection in applied learning. Journal of Applied Learning in Higher Education 2009; 1(1): 25-48.
The Pharmacy Fika podcast is a positive and compassionate “place” (a virtual community) where pharmacy and other health professions educators gather to discuss teaching, learning, scholarship, and academic life… plus the snacks that support their best work. So grab your favorite beverage and listen to the Pharmacy Fika podcast with your colleagues.
The Co-Hosts are:
- Stuart T. Haines (Executive Producer), University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy – sthaines@olemiss.edu
- Tina Brock, University of Melbourne Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry, and Health Sciences - tina.brock@unimleb.edu.au
- Jeff Cain, University of Kentucky College of Pharmacy - jeff.cain@uky.edu
- Kristin Janke, University of Minnesota College of Pharmacy - janke006@umn.edu
Disclaimer (inspired by Whad’Ya Know?): All opinions expressed on the Pharmacy Fika podcast are well-reasoned and insightful. Needless to say, they are ours and our guests alone, and not those of our employing institutions.
Even though we don’t accept advertising and don’t have any sponsors, we seem to mention Trader Joe’s snacks and various water-based drinks a LOT.
Not sure what fika is all about? Watch this brief video: How a Swedish coffee break can boost your wellbeing and performance.
Got a great idea for a discussion topic? Drop us a line (pharmacyfika@gmail.com) or leave us a voice message: https://www.speakpipe.com/PharmacyFika